Safety 1
Safety, a priority for all
[excerpt]Sequana constantly strives to improve its safety performance in its production and distribution activities by investing in the very safest equipment as well as in staff training and awareness operations.[/excerpt]
The safety policy is one of the keystones of Sequana’s CSR policy. It is based on common guidelines applied to the entire Group, and takes the form of practical initiatives which involve the staff in the improvement of their working environment.
Arjowiggins: making paper safely
At Arjowiggins, the ‘Making Paper Safely’ scheme, launched in 2009 for a period of 5 years, is based on two major principles: the pre-eminence of the physical safety and health of staff throughout the production cycle and the necessity to work simultaneously on safe conduct and the protection of equipment.
[focus]Concerning industrial safety, 8 out of the 20 Arjowiggins sites today benefit from an HPR (High Protected Risk) fire prevention system. [/focus]Arjowiggins has also set itself the objective of obtaining the OHSAS 18001 certification for all its sites by the end of 2014. This certification provides a clear working framework for efficiently implementing and maintaining a safety management system. It is also a sign of external and independent recognition of the Group’s maturity in terms of safety and is perfectly in line with its continued progress approach. In 2013, 14 out of the 20 Arjowiggins sites were certified OHSAS 18001.
Antalis: distributing safely
Antalis invests strongly in safety training and awareness schemes for its teams.
Finally the countries regularly lead their own initiatives to improve their safety performances.
Raising awarness of health and safety among employees is key in management meetings today and specific safety reviews are organised on a regular basis in workshops at the initiative of local management.